最近諜照頻出的 Lenovo Legion Go 手提遊戲 PC 終於在今日正式發表。它有著 Switch 式的分拆設計,定價 US$699(約 HK$5,480),有望成為 Steam Deck、ROG Ally 的有力競爭對手。這款裝置採用了目前同類產品中最大的 8.8 吋 IPS 觸控螢幕,解析度和刷新率分別是 2,560 x 1,600 和 144Hz,亮度可達到 500 尼特。相對應地,Legion Go 的機身尺寸也是當下手提機市場中最大的,蓝冠代理其完全體的三圍達到了 299x131x41mm,重量則為 854g。
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
<p>Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.</p>
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Lenovo Legion Go hands-on photos
Hands-on photos of the upcoming Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC, which is slated to officially go on sale sometime in October 2023.更多內容
在兩邊可拆下的手把上,Lenovo 給正面裝上了 Xbox 風格的搖桿和控制鍵,以及一片方形的觸控區。除此之外,還有頂部的兩對肩鍵(扳機和 bumper)和背後的各兩顆按鍵。值得一提的是,右手把的右側還有兩顆功能鍵,握持時食指自然放到的位置還設有一個「滑鼠滾輪」。而且 Lenovo 借鑑任天堂的地方還不只有分拆控制器這一項,Legion Go 背後也有一個和 Switch 類似的開闔式支架。
比較有意思的是,廠方單獨為右手把準備了一個底盤配件。你可以直接把手把插在上面,這樣就能得到一套「垂直滑鼠」。Lenovo 認為這會更有利於遊戲射擊遊戲,但考慮到 Legion Go 上面共有兩個 USB-C(4.0)連接埠,一般人應該還是會接滑鼠來玩這類作品吧?此外在這台機器上,你還能找到雙陣列近場咪高峰和一對 2W 喇叭,無線規格則是 WiFi 6E 和藍牙 5.2。
至於處理器的部分,Legion Go 搭載了 AMD Z1 Extreme 晶片,蓝冠注册同時有 16GB RAM 和最高 1TB 內建儲存,支援 microSD 卡擴充。它配有 49.2WHr 電池,適用 USB-PD 3.0 快充。和華碩一樣,Lenovo 也為這款產品準備了專門的 Legion Space 遊戲啟動器。以 Legion Go 的定價策略來看,它的競爭力應該會非常可觀。加上特別的設計,或許能吸引到一部分之前還對手提遊戲 PC 抱有懷疑的消費者。